Friday, June 12, 2009

Everest Region in photos

alright, here is a currently unedited extensive photo journal, most are courtesy of meaghan doyle as my camera was out of commission for a couple of weeks. enjoy at your leisure if you wish!


Unknown said...

Hey Katie Donzee!!

Loved the pics - I looked through all four-hundred-and-something of them, drooling all the while (wow, that's beautiful country, and it looks like you guys were having such a good time). Thanks for sharing! Also loved seeing the Sub4 shirt in action - that was one of the best purchases ever, I think.

If you want any Thailand advice, feel free to ask away! Our trip there is still fresh in my mind.

Keep the blog posts coming!


katiedonze said...

hey erin! haha! the sub4 shirt is an essential on every trip! great to hear from you! i would love some thailand recommendations. i am with kate kelly in bangkok right now, southbound in a couple of days. i hope you are great!

Unknown said...

A little late, but I just looked through your Everest Region pictures, they're awesome! How long was that trek you guys did? So many amazing shots! I loved seeing the colors and the drastic differences in weather you experienced. Nice work!
I can't wait to go to that area myself . . . one of these days . . . Hope you are doing well in Guatemala right now.

katiedonze said...

hey stephª thanks for checking out the photos. it is certainly at the top of my list for most spectacular scenery. i can imagine you blissfully frollicking around, bagging peaks and the like. guate is awesome. i hope you are tooª