we were excited to reach our first wwoof farm. the description sounded lovely and simple enough at paradisa resort. resort? hmm, not exactly what we had in mind, but optimistic, we carried on. organic spice and coffee plantation adjacent to the tiger reserve. housing in dorms and tents. the prospect of it was all very romantic. and it WAS very beautiful, relaxing setting and location. then we met the owner. i, being the single female, was housed in a high-end room next to the owner who knocked on my door multiple times a day/eve and invited me over for cocktails. clue #1. straight, simple answers were difficult to come by. what time do we meet in the morning? where do you sell the coffee we are picking? why are we tossing organic coffee into paint and motor oil cans that you can still smell the chemicals radiating from? we awkwardly showed up at hours we thought might be reasonable to eat gourmet food in a corner of the kitchen where we were served by staff. receiving special treatment felt uncomfortable. the fellow harvesters were kind, friendly and hard workers, however, i got the impression they had no idea who we were or why we were there. unsure of the entire operation and unconvinced we were exchanging valuable help or information, we left after 3 days.
in need of renewing positive energy, we will be heading into the hills to holistically rejuvenate our beings at an ashram, working on a different kind of (yoga) tree. tomorrow will begin a new year in positions my body may or may not like. perhaps i will comfortably be able to touch my toes in a couple of weeks!
a very hap hap happy new year to you all and a free mind, body, and soul!
Never fails--it looks good at the front end, and there's all kinds of worms at the back end...At least it was beautiful!
hahaha! well said.
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